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Case Study

Mobile Application For Power Consumers

Business Need

This Enterprise customer wanted to build a consumer mobile application. This application will be the principle tool for the consumer to know their energy consumption, pay & view their bills, get energy saving tips, Grievances & Feedback, Outage Intimation & Status, participate in demand response program and Remote connection/disconnection of load.


The existing portal was developed by a third party company using MS .Net and deployed in IIS server. As per their production operations team, they had multiple DB failures and the system was not meant for high scalability to support a huge set of consumers. There were no REST Webservices available for the mobile apps to obtain the data from the middleware. The current production setup was hosted in a small data center that did not have the facility for high availability/scalability/performance. Promotion and creating awareness among consumers about the mobile application and its usage

Key Features
  • Consumer delight by providing this handy & cognitive tool.
  • Enabling Participation of consumer in demand Response.
  • To be competitive by setting new trends & benchmarking practices.
  • Driving force for other Smart grid initiatives & Visualization by consumer.
  • To stabilize the peak load demand by facilitating speedy and swift interaction with consumers.



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