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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Case Study

Enterprise Health Care Portal

Business Need

Client wants to build An Enterprise HealthCare portal for maintaining the Medicaid program of different states in the USA. This system should allow the poor and senior citizens to enroll as members, it allows the service provider (doctors, hospitals, lab technicians, ambulance services, etc) to enroll.


The existing portal had limited features wasn’t flexible and extendable to address the client’s business needs mentioned below. The system is should handle the use case base of 30 million for states like Florida and New York, with few thousands of Providers, Over a million claims should be processed every week Internal Efficiencies, Workflow management, Automation and Integrations. Secure and Sustainable Platform.

Key Features
  • Fully customized applications with rich user interface.
  • Dynamic securities for different roles.
  • Flexible and Robust Contact Management.
  • Robust Provider Registration, Application and Inquiry.
  • Ease of maintenance of Members and Providers.



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